Casey Loves Ellie – Trifextra: Week Seventy-Three

A Limerick, written for Trifextra: Week Seventy-Three. Begins after the image.

*** Rated PG-13 ***

Casey Loves Ellie

Casey loved Ellie, though she pushed him away
Sent chocolates in April, flowers in May
June, she saw him weeing
His club she thought appealing
Now Ellie loves Casey, each and every day


This weekend’s Trifextra prompt needs a mere 33 words based on the old phrase, third time’s the charm. Original prompt is here:

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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16 Responses to Casey Loves Ellie – Trifextra: Week Seventy-Three

  1. Draug419 says:

    Limericks are a delight, as was this one (:


  2. Nice job, taking on the limerick form! Great work with the prompt too. Thank you for linking up!


  3. I should have a go at writing a limerick sometime. Reading this one was fun!


  4. deanabo says:

    This had me rolling laughing. I really loved it!


  5. Steph says:

    Funny! Very well done. Limericks aren’t easy, but you make it look easy. Nice!


  6. Suzanne says:

    Nicely done! And so much fun to read! 🙂


  7. Paper_Wizard says:

    This ‘raised’ a sly chuckle from me.


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