Convincing Papa – The Friday Fictioneers

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. A story convincing a family member to change his ways begins after the photo by Björn Rudberg. Great pic, Bjorn!

Genre: Science Fiction/Humor

Photo by: Bjorn Rudberg

Convincing Papa

Eldon returned to the Philippines on a mission, and enjoyed Mama’s Sisig with his Papa. “So good. Rice is great too,” said Eldon.

“Of course it’s great!” exclaimed Papa. “Our family has grown rice on the Banaue Rice Terraces for 200 years.”

“Actually, Papa, this rice was grown on the space habitat, Pinaka, where I work. Good huh?”

Papa grimaced. “It’s okay.”

“We need help there.”

“I’m not going into space.”

“No chance of Dengue Fever,” encouraged Eldon.

“Survived it.”

“It’s not hot all the time.”

“Tempting, but I’m comfortable here. It’s real. It’s natural.”

“No corrupt politicians.”

Papa blinked. “Where do I sign?”

Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines

Author’s note: It’s quite possible Bjorn’s pic is not from the Philippines at all. It’s just the first thing I thought of when I saw his pic.

Each week, The Friday Fictioneers all join for a lilliputian literary luau and write 100 word flash fiction from an image prompt. Won’t you join us? Here’s this week’s prompt:

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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47 Responses to Convincing Papa – The Friday Fictioneers

  1. J. Milburn says:

    Ha! And the corrupt ones get spaced out the airlock, right? 😉 Great as always! “Lilliputian literary luau” – Brilliant 😀


    • EagleAye says:

      Yeah, I seem to be in an anti-politician mood lately…but that’s hardly new. 😉 I had hoped someone would appreciate my alliteration. Thanks for mentioning it and as always, thanks for your thoughts! 🙂


  2. Al says:

    Haha that last line is always the clincher 😀 Fantastic.


  3. Funny. No corrupt politicians is the attraction. Nice.


  4. I can’t imagine tending those terrace fields let alone terracing them.
    Great fiction …


  5. Indira says:

    Nice one but are you sure no corrupt politicians? Complete post with recipe also’ Sisig’. A good business, there is going to be a big line for Pinaka your dreamland. Grab it before the prices go high. Very enjoyable story.


    • EagleAye says:

      I know life without corrupt politicians seems like an impossible dream, but I keep having that dream. If a place like Pinaka (means “surprising” in the Visayan language) could actually pull it off, you’re right, everybody would want to go there. 🙂 Thanks much for stopping in, Indira!


  6. Adam Ickes says:

    Give it time. Anywhere people go, corrupt politicians will eventually emerge.


    • EagleAye says:

      I hear you. Anywhere there is the dung of humanity there will always be flies. Hopefully this place will build their latrine very deep and keep the flies at bay. It’s an idle fantasy, I realize, but maybe someday we’ll figure out how to do it.

      Thanks much for stopping in!


  7. Lala Rukh says:

    Lol I’d have signed too in that case 😛 Have politics. Love it.


  8. yarnspinnerr says:

    The clincher is really alluring. Loved this one.



  9. Fun and Papa sounds just like any older person I know!


  10. Nan Falkner says:

    Where do we go to find good politicians? Great story and I love the pictures of the terraced farms you supplied. Very pretty! Thanks, Nan


    • EagleAye says:

      I think we look to the people. The problem we have with our politicians at this time is they are “career” politicians. The only real skill they possess is getting elected. Our politicians have become an elite class, expecting special treatment that none of the rest of us enjoy. We should get business leaders who represent us a short time, then go back to work.

      Glad you liked the story and pics. I think the terraces are beautiful too. Thanks for writing in!


  11. plaridel says:

    indeed, i want to sign up to. 🙂


  12. Dear Eric,

    Give it time. Where there are people there will be crooked politicians. The last line sent me almost to the floor laughing. The photos you shared are stunning.




    • EagleAye says:

      Hehe. Perhaps we need to put corrupt politicians on the list with death and taxes? Glad you got a laugh, but don’t hurt yourself. 😉 I love those terraces. They are one of the great marvels of the world. Thanks for visiting!


  13. I’ll sign. Great and convincing dialogue.


  14. Amazing terraces but I guess the recipe will have to wait. The moment I read it, all pigs in the area took off at a run! Lovely photos, humorous story with too much truth in it and lots of fun. But I’m with Rochelle–soon there will be corrupt politicians there or corrupt people of some sort. Human nature, unfortunately. Your idea that politicians should be business people has much to recommend it and there are days, more than a few, that I’ve felt like this story.



    • EagleAye says:

      Sisig can be much easier than that. Mama Sita’s seasoning mix (available at many grocery stores) makes it easy. My wife made some the other day and I was in heaven!

      It seems a lot of folks are just as cynical about politicians as I am. Career politicians seem to grow like weeds and they’re harder to get rid of. With the last budget crisis I was getting fed up, again, with the batch of criminals in Washington we like to call “Senator.” I’m glad I’m not the only one.

      Thanks for stopping in and commenting!


  15. draliman says:

    No overtly corrupt politicians, perhaps!
    Very humorous 🙂


  16. JackieP says:

    Where do I sign up? Even if I know diddily about rice. haha. Good story. 🙂


  17. penshift says:

    Damn that last bit near made me spit coffee over my precious laptop. The question is where *do* I sign up?


    • EagleAye says:

      If it shot out your nose, I’d consider that a major victory. 😉 When I figure out where to sign up myself, I’ll be first in line, but I’ll be sure to share the info with you!


  18. hugmamma says:

    Excellent political statement, without stating the obvious.


  19. This was a perfect blending of realistic action and dialogue with fantasy. Not hard to imagine… the photos at the end are gorgeous!


  20. Ha, a great reason to leave. and rice in spice sounds like a great movie title… I say go for it… (on Madeira they grew potatoes, carrots and cabbage on those terraces…Probably other nice things too.. but in winter that what I saw..


    • EagleAye says:

      Sounds like they grow everything you need for a tasty stew. I love stew. Seems like no rotten politicians, could pull anybody away. Great pic and thanks for stopping in.


  21. Funny what it took to convince him.


  22. atrm61 says:

    Ha!ha!EA!The son sure knew how to get his Dad to sign-what a temptation ;-)Well done!


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