A Mighty Battle

Photo by: Barbara W. Beacham

Few knew about the castle hidden inside the island. The men in the longboat shuddered as they waited beside it for Sir Reginald. Fervently, they hoped the gallant knight would survive the mighty dragon’s flames and harvest its magical blood.

The entire castle shuddered and bricks fell from the edifice. The longboat men quaked in fear.

Inside the castle, the dragon crunched on Sir Reginald’s plate armor.

“Not too much!” whispered Sir Reginald to the dragon. “I have to put that back on.” He moved his bishop and took the dragon’s rook on the chessboard. In a louder voice he bellowed, “Take that, ye devil!”

“Oh, right,” whispered the dragon. It spat flames out the window and howled, “Aaaww-oowww-oooowwww!”

Sir Reginald donned the battered armor. The dragon splattered blood on it with a flourish.

“Artfully done, Ned,” said Sir Reginald.

“You’re most kind, Reg,” said Ned. “See you next month?”

Sir Reginald grinned, “I wouldn’t miss it!”
Written for Monday’s Finish the Story. This week, the opening sentence is, “Few knew about the castle hidden inside the island.” The photo by Barbara Beacham is the media prompt. Look here to see what other folks wrote: http://wp.me/p595ga-7Z

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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26 Responses to A Mighty Battle

  1. julie says:

    Ha: a dragon named Ned?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joy Pixley says:

    Very cute! Maybe Ned’s brothers are named Gary and Bob. I hope they have also found neighbors as clever and friendly as Reg is.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is delightful… Love it!! Reginald and Ned, what a pair!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shannon says:

    Ha! I love this! Dragons get such a bad rap that it’s great to find one that just wants to play chess 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Yes, the histories are really incomplete. It’s exciting to hear about the deadly dragons. In truth, most were philosophers and dreamers. Leonardo DaVinci claimed too much credit for the designs conjured up by a friendly dragon. 😉

      Glad you had fun with this one. Thanks bunches, Shannon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lyn says:

    Clever, clever, clever. LOL that was so good. There’s nothing like a good chuckle to start the day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. emiliopasquale says:

    My uncle used to play chess with a dwarf, two bearded ladies, and a reclusive, elegant man who claimed he was Sherlock Holmes. We never believed there was actually a bearded lady. Let alone two! Loved your tale!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. afairymind says:

    I love this! The friendship between Reg and Ned is perfect. Dragons have got a bad reputation – all they really want to do is play chess!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Your imagination never ceases to amaze me. This story is wonderful! I love how Reginald and Ned are such good friends but enjoy putting on a good show. Love it!! One of your best! (You have many bests).

    Liked by 1 person

  9. R. Todd says:

    A splash of DragonHeart, do I detect?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. luckyjc007 says:

    LOL’s …you can’t ask for a better Dragon than one that will play chess with you…and keep it a secret! Friends don’t always have to be human. 🙂


  11. Hilarious, Eric. That was a great twist. They both get to keep their fearsome reputations and enjoy a good game of chess besides. Well written as always. 😀 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Yep! Great reputations while relaxing with a game of chess. What could be better? I’m glad you enjoyed this and had a good laugh to boot. Thanks kindly, Suzanne! 🙂


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