An Angry Tree

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. A story, about fiddling with a powerful spirit, begins after the photo.

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Photo by: Madison Woods

An Angry Tree

Sheriff Lasseter winced at the destruction and turned to Daniel Redleaf. “I understand you were the last to speak with Jones.”

“Yeah. I warned him to avoid the Ram-Tree,” said Daniel. “Jones wanted to remove it with his truck.”


“It’s an ancient story. A ram ate one last acorn and died of old age. A tree grew up around its bones, and their spirits fused. The Ram-Tree is a powerful spirit, not to be fooled with.”

“But what could wad up a heavy steel pickup truck like tin foil…with the rancher still inside it?”

Daniel shrugged. “An angry tree?”
Each week, the Friday Fictioneers wander in from the wilderness to write 100 words of flash fiction from a photo prompt. Look here for the prompt and many stories in answer to the photo above:

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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33 Responses to An Angry Tree

  1. Cool story….wouldn’t want to piss THAT tree off! LOL! 🙂


  2. And did he use a Ram truck??? 🙂



  3. Great answer. They should leave the truck there as a warning.


  4. Lyn says:

    Mr EagleAye has done it agin. Whatever he’s drinking to give him such wild ideas, I wish he’d bottle it and sell it 😀


    • EagleAye says:

      It’s already on sale. I was drinking Odell’s India Pale Ale. Mighty fine stuff if you ask me. 7% alcohol gives it a nice kick to go with the great taste. Thanks so very much, Lyn! 😉


  5. Ypu know you could actually tag this with this week’s Word Press writing challenge as well.


  6. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear EagleAye, This is so cool and better than awesome! I absolutely love it – what an imagination you have – Pat yourself on the head. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Nan 🙂


    • EagleAye says:

      I would, but I think I sprained something patting myself on the back. 😉 So awesome to hear you loved it. I love hearing that. Thank you kindly, Nan! 🙂


  7. An ancestor to an Ent? This was excellent!


  8. EagleAye, This is a good story humorous, and well written. Peope tend not to listen to those local legends and then get in big trouble. The moral of this story is “Never make a tree that’s part goat angry.” 🙂 —Susan


    • EagleAye says:

      Thanks Susan! Yeah people need to pay attention to the world around them a little more. When a guy with a family name of “RedLeaf” comes around and gives you a warning, it’s best to take him seriously. Glad you enjoyed the story, and thanks for visiting! 🙂


  9. blawson834 says:

    Nicely done Eric. I like the supernatural theme.


  10. I love how he just shrugs and says it like it’s a perfectly normal and believable thing!


  11. Dear Eric,

    Have I mentioned before that I think you’re one warped individual? I like that in a person. 😉 I’ll bet no one will ever mess with that tree again. Good one.




    • EagleAye says:

      Haha! I think you might have mentioned it, but please, shower me with compliments if you must. 😉 Yeah this tree will likely have peace for many years to come. Thanks much for stopping in! 🙂


  12. A.D. Everard says:

    Could you say the tree’s bark was worse than his bite? I’d say so! That’s one tree with attitude! And very tough bark! 😀


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