The Chain Writing Game v3.0: Episode 23

Kerrie Ann Salsac’s Chain Writing Game continues in week 3. The game where each participant adds a piece of the story. This week, Jenna awakes in the forest, naked and covered in blood. What happened? What will happen? It’s all up to us who play the game to imagine what comes next!

Episode 23

In’ang’to still snarled while Snyder dragged himself away, intestines and blood streamed behind him.

“Uh oh,” said Jamie, as the trio sat together and watched Snyder. “I’ve heard of this place. Watch.”

Millions of tiny crabs, drawn by the scent of blood, emerged from the dark soil. They swarmed towards Snyder. He began screaming as the crabs began to eat him, piece by piece.

The screams seemed to last for hours until there was a crunching sound. The others looked over at Jamie. She poured something into her hand from a pouch and offered it to them. “Granola, anyone?”

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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12 Responses to The Chain Writing Game v3.0: Episode 23

  1. J. Milburn says:

    You got Snyder! Oh the humanity! I’m glad you kept Jaime alive and highlighted just what a sociopath she is 😉 Awesome!


    • EagleAye says:

      Well, you know, there wasn’t exactly a last gasp, if you’re interested. I’m liking Jamie more and more, because she’s so bloody callous about everything. Thanks much, Jeremy!


  2. Joe Owens says:

    Jamie has become hardened from all her time in the arena. One wonders how she will fare on the FBI figures out how to end this madness.I’m surprised she is comfortable being with the Wolfen. But then maybe she’s not.


    • EagleAye says:

      I don’t know that she is comfortable. She’s constantly in survival mode. She thinks in terms of a person as bait one moment, ally the next. She’ll do whatever she thinks gives her the best chance to survive at the moment. She isn’t evil necessarily, just devoid of ethics and hyper-practical. In short, a sociopath.


      • Joe Owens says:

        In most everything out of every seen or read the sociopaths does not make it in the end. Perhaps Jamie has endeared herself more and will come out of this in one piece.


      • EagleAye says:

        She might, but at this point, she’ll have to work hard to establish the trust of her unlikely compatriots. I agree with you, sociopaths don’t make it in the end, usually because no one trusts them.


  3. Oh yes Snyder is being tortured with crabs eating him. So Jamie didn’t die when In’ang’to choked her?


    • kerrieanns says:

      I thought she was dead as well, but she’s clearly more resilient than we thought 😛


      • EagleAye says:

        She’s a survivor. Had In’ang’to truly wanted to kill her, he could’ve simply ripped her throat out. She’d die in seconds. Choking her seems more like frustration and anger.


    • EagleAye says:

      Nope, she went unconscious. Honestly, I didn’t think you wanted her dead, just out of the picture for the moment. Otherwise, she’s dangerous, as we all know. If Jamie were all evil, she wouldn’t have pulled the other two onto the transporter with her. I would’ve expected her to escape by herself. So maybe she sees In’ang’to and Jenna as powerful allies now she knows they are the incredibly tough Wolfen. In any event, that’s how I interpreted Jamie’s behavior in your episode. So In’ang’to doesn’t kill her although he feels she needs to be controlled (unconscious), while he deals with Snyder.


  4. draliman says:

    It’s great that Snyder had a long, slow, tortuous death after everything he’s done. Nicely described!


    • EagleAye says:

      Thank you. I wanted the monster to suffer. I was thinking of the Indian torture where they tie a guy flat on the ground and put honey on him, and then the ants come.


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