Never Satisfied – Mondays Finish the Story

Photo by: Barbara W. Beacham

Never Satisfied

At first, it looked like an ordinary marble, but it was far from it. Stephen reached for it, then hesitated. He had better things to do. The Mars colony was running out of oxygen and hydrogen fuel for power. Water (composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom) would solve all their problems. Still, the marble was compelling. What was it doing on Mars? Like most human beings, he was never satisfied. It was a marble. Why fiddle with it? Without thinking…he touched it.

A cone of light erupted from the marble and blasted into his helmet. He fell back as the light dwindled and a display appeared on his faceplate. A creature with four arms, four eyes, and an engaging smile appeared there. “Welcome to Insta-City™ Productions!” it said cheerfully. “We’ve determined you’re a sentient creature. Congratulations!”

Dumbfounded, Stephen said, “Uh…thanks?”

“Sit back and watch YOUR perfect city grow!”

The marble expanded rapidly, becoming boulder-sized in seconds. Stephen ran for it, but Insta-City™ expanded too quickly. As he ran, a membrane passed harmlessly over his body. He stumbled and fell. With amazed eyes he watched the marble expand into a dome 20km across. Skyscrapers extruded from the martian sands. Homes, hospitals, parks, and gardens formed all around him. The alien reappeared as a hologram beside him. It began a litany of the city’s benefits. It produced its own light, power, food, and atmosphere. Healthcare would eliminate all sicknesses and even aging. Free education from all corners of the galaxy would become available.

“What do you think of YOUR perfect city?” crowed the alien

Stephen eyed the impeccable landscaping with a critical eye. The Mars colony was saved. Humanity had a new home. The human race could effectively become immortal. Unfortunately, he was a human being, and thus, never satisfied. “I think it needs a football stadium right over there.”

In seconds, a football stadium appeared. “Tada!” exclaimed the exhausted alien.

But Stephen was human…

The alien sagged.

Stephen grimaced. “Yeah, but c’mon. They gotta serve foot long hot dogs and garlic fries!”
Author’s Notes:

One of the most critical needs for any future colony is water. It’s needed for drinking and stripping it for oxygen and hydrogen for power systems.

Each week on Monday, it’s time to finish the story! Barbara W. Beacham provides the photo prompt. This week, the opening sentence must be: “At first, it looked like an ordinary marble, but it was far from it.” Hey Barb, I guess this will be my allotted “long one” for the month. This time around, I struggled with ideas. It wasn’t too few, it was too many! I hope you enjoyed my final pick. Look here to see what other folks wrote:

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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35 Responses to Never Satisfied – Mondays Finish the Story

  1. Another great story – more please! This setting has awesome potential! On matters of Mars generally, it’s always mildly dismayed me that there have been serious plans to go there since the 1960s and yet nobody ever has. I guess the tech challenges are high,but that hasn’t stopped humanity in the past. All it would take is committment by a few of the wealthier nations, working together for a common cause that would probably also have unexpected positive spinoffs for everyday life back on Earth, like Apollo did. Sigh…

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Thank you, Matthew! Yes, there’s lots of scifi potential with a Mars colony.

      In regards to the lack of a Mars colony, I’m frustrated too. We possess and have possessed the technical ability to start a Mars colony for quite sometime. We really, really need to get going on this. Unfortunately, we’re too busy shooting at each other or building a better missile than the other nation to band together and just work the problem. We can do this, if only we have the will to do it. And the spinoffs? Loads of benefit for humanity, even for those who never leave Earth. I do hope I live long enough to see a Mars colony started. When that happens, we won’t have all our eggs in one basket, and the human race will be safer than it’s ever been before.


  2. Donna says:

    Definitely need the hot dogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Danny James says:

    Now that’s a really neat Big Bang theory.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Once again your fertile imagination has given us another wonderfully clever story. If only colonization was this easy. I was running along with Stephan and the alien, I’m tuckered out. Excellent!

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Yeah, if colonization was like that, we’d already be doing it. Glad to know you felt for Stephen enough to be tired. Also glad you enjoyed. Thanks much for the glowing words! 🙂


  5. Francesca Smith says:

    This reminded me of how easy it is to build things on The Sims and SimCity.
    Very clever take on the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. babso2you says:

    Eric – another great story oh WordMaster! I love what you did with your story and how it morphed. And, of course the never satisfied human would want something more. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for coming up with the opening line! I am glad we were able to do this together. Loved the story! Be well my friend…. ^..^

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mara Fields says:

    Ditto. And wonder when you’re gonna put your wit to full throttle and write a novel. Think Piers Anthony but so much better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Haha! I’ve read a few Piers Anthony books. But my biggest influences are Terry Pratchett and Kieth Laumer. I’m working on a book in my head, and when it’s ready it’ll be pedal to the metal. 😉 Thanks so much, Mara! 🙂


  8. We humans are never satisfied are we? But then again, who can pass on a foot long hot dog and fries! Well told. Thoroughly enjoyed!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. buddysmom13 says:

    Great take on the prompt – though you might have gone a little over the count. Lol. Still, I really enjoyed – as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Thank you! Yes, I did go over. Sometimes a story just goes where it wants to go. I’m glad you enjoyed this even if longer than normal. Thank you kindly! 🙂


  10. The Voice says:

    First and most importantly, thanks for making sure the colony had a football stadium. Without it, that city could hardly be called “civilization”…lol. Secondly, I’m not sure if you were aware, but there is a private company that is planning a Mars colonization project:

    I’ve been following their progress and while I’m not totally convinced that they’ll actually pull it off, I’m happy to see someone trying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Yeah, without a football stadium it’s simply not an “advanced” civilization. 😉 And I am aware of Mars One. They’re doing great work. Unfortunately, it’s necessarily only a small effort. They don’t have a ton of funding. If whole Nations threw themselves into it, then we’d see real progress very fast. I think the interest and the push is growing so that’s a good sign. Thanks so much for your thoughts and comments! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Awesome story! It made me think of the quote, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Sounds to me like he and the perfect world might be doomed.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. afairymind says:

    I think that alien hologram might be there for quite some time! A great take on the prompt. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ansumani says:

    LOL – I can visually the Alien’s expression when Stephen wasn’t satisfied. But that’s the truth ..once basic needs are met, a human’s mind starts the clamor for more…

    Nicely done story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      Yep. We always do that. The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. The alien was quite shocked after it had turned around the fortunes for all of humanity. Thanks so much. I’m glad you enjoyed this. 🙂


  14. Great story, Eric. Thanks for the creative first sentence. Too bad an alien doesn’t visit us on earth and show us how to do that. We seem to need help big time. Well written. I loved that part, “he was a human being.” 😀 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • EagleAye says:

      My pleasure! Yeah, a little alien help would be much appreciated. Perhaps we need a little help with the concept of “minimalism.” We’re always wanting more no matter how much we have. I’m glad you enjoyed this. Thanks much! 🙂


  15. phylor says:

    Ah, that wonderful twist at the end! And, you’ve made me hungry!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Shey says:

    LOL. Perfect “never satisfied” story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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