The Great Birdseed Robbery – Alastair’s Photo Fiction

Written for Alastair’s Photo Fiction. Story begins after the photo.

Genre: Crime/Humor
Word Count: 250

Copyright: Alastair Forbes

The Great Birdseed Robbery

The smell of sunflower and millet seeds wafted through the grate. The notorious southside gang, “The Blood Feathers,” made final preparations.

“Smell dat, boys?” said Gino. “Dats the smell of Heaven on Oyth!”

Pepper shivered with excitement. “I’m gonna swim in that boyd seed!”

Gino handed Joe a pair of broken green glass shards tied together with elastic. “Here. Put these on.”

“What’s this?”

“Night vision goggles. You’re s’posed to wear them when you go robberin’ stuff.”

Joe put them on. “I don’t see nuth…”

“Everyt’ing should look green.”

“Yeah, it’s all green.”

“Good. You keep watch while me and Pepper get dis grate off.”

Gino and Pepper set to work pulling at the grate with their beaks, but it wouldn’t budge. Frustrated, Gino began kicking it. “Stoopid grate!”.

A pigeon in blue landed beside the group. “What’s all this then, laddies?”

Gino turned. “Uh…heh. Officer O’Keefe! How nice to see you.” He whispered to Joe. “You were s’posed to keep watch ya’ ijit!”

“I was! He musta’ been indivisible.”

Gino turned back to O’Keefe. “We was, you know, makin’ sure dat grate ain’t loose. Public soyvice an’ all.”

“Sure, sure, lads. You best be running along now.”

The Blood Feathers departed. When they were gone, O’Keefe keyed his radio. “You lads ready?”

A voice responded. “Got all the birdseed we can carry. That grate off yet?”

“Just two more screws and it’s ready,” replied O’Keefe.

“Good. It’s nice working with the boys in blue. You’re gonna like your cut.”

Author’s Note: This is an ode to the hilarious
Goodfeathers animation from the Animaniacs series.

Each week, Alastair Forbes presents an original image as a writing prompt. All are welcome to join in and write for this literary explosion. Here’s this week’s prompt:

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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21 Responses to The Great Birdseed Robbery – Alastair’s Photo Fiction

  1. Al says:

    That is brilliant 😀


  2. lol….I am Italian and my father’s family settled in New Yawk from Italy. This brought me back to the good ol’ days. Like listening to them all over again. Very enjoyable read. 🙂


    • EagleAye says:

      Hehe. I just love the New Yawk accent. I can’t resist writing it out. Glad to hear it took you back home. Thanks much for your thoughts and for stopping by. 🙂


      • Not a problem….was just drinkin’ my cawfee and readin’….fahget about et! 🙂 Have a good week, EA.

        By the way..when I moved south, I totally lost the accent…..Now it is all “Y’all’s and reckon’s”. 😀


      • EagleAye says:

        Regional accents are definitely fun, especially when you pick them up. I haven’t picked up “y’all” yet, but my wife was “fixin’ ” to do something the other day. So funny.


  3. Impower You says:

    I remember that Animaniacs cartoon. LOL!


  4. julespaige says:

    Right up Al’s alley this week. You gents are just too much. Fun, fun, fun!
    Adding another twisty turn for you:


  5. Lyn says:

    I could hear them!!! Great start to my morning, thank you my friend 😀


  6. nightlake says:

    lol. very humorous and enjoyed the language:)


  7. Indira says:

    Very enjoyable read, it took time to understand that accent new for me.


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